Today my son turns 2! Two years ago today I was heading to Utah Valley hospital in Provo for a NST (non stress test) and an ultrasound. As they were checking the levels of the amniotic fluids, I was below a 3. They don't want to ever see you below a 5. So, they said, "hope you didn't have any plans today, because you're having a baby!" I called my mom to tell her to keep Christy over night. I called Rob to hurry over because Wesley was coming!
I sat in the waiting room for about 2 hours before they got me in a room. I was starving, but because I was being put on pitocin, I was forbidden to eat anything but ice chips. Lame!
I started the pit drip about 1:00. A few hours later I got the epidural. At about 9:30, I started pushing. 9:58, he was out. 6 lbs 12 oz, 19", head full of hair. Beautiful baby boy.
I'll post more later, we've been busy this summer and I have some good news!
Happy birthday Wesley! He certainly is cute, Aimee, and I love his curly hair. I'll be in San Diego the first week in September, maybe we will have better luck hooking up in California than in Utah? :)
Whoooo! Happy Birthday little Wesley!
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