That quote is from You've Got Mail. That's one of my favorite chick flick movies. I heart Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan!
Well, school has begun! My little girl, Christy, has begun Kindergarten. I can hardly believe she is 5 years old and old enough to go to school. Didn't I just have her? Weren't we just snuggling on the couch watching Baby Einsteins? Well, Baby Einsteins are no longer the craze in this little family. Our new favorite kid show to watch together is Phineas and Ferb. We adore it!
This is Miss C on her first day of school. She picked out her sweater dress to wear and was quite adorable, if I do say so myself. When we got to school, her teacher handed her a name tag. She had spelled C's name Kristy... My little girl took a look at the tag, and looked back up at the teacher and laughed, "Um...That's not my name. I spell it C-H-R-I-S-T-Y." So she got a new name tag! I love that girl!
While I've been home with little man, Wes, we've been doing something uber important: POTTY TRAINING! He's taking it slow and is really more of a 'I'm going to do what I want, when I want' kind of a guy.
Wesley will also be going to school. He's super excited to go to preschool. Although, I'm not sure he knows exactly what that means, he asks if he gets to go almost daily.I can hardly believe how darling and how big my babies are. Seriously, my little boy is no longer a baby. It makes me sad. But my kittens and my dog don't mind that I baby them, so it works out some, I suppose.
Christy likes to play with the camera. Sometimes, you get scary pictures like this one. Here I am, making some dinner and some lemon cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Oh my goodness, they were amazing. I'm sorry you didn't get to eat one. :-)
We've also had some excitement here since we've been at Grammies house. One afternoon when Christy and I had returned from school, my dad came out of the kitchen and told us to wait until he had cleaned up the "crime scene". My kitten, Midnight, had knocked over the bird cage, and this cat, Milo, was caught eating one. I'm sure in about 6 months my mom will finally see the comedy in this event, however in the meantime, the cats hide from Gram when she's around. The rest of the time, Milo sits here, under the cabinet waiting for the other bird to fall so he can finish his meal.
Along with all the excitement of school and cat nips, I have also decided to head back to school. This time I will be attending Steven's Henager's Medical Assistant program. It will take me about two years to finish the program, and then I will be hopefully on my way to a great career. I am excited to add to my resume and my knowledge. I love learning about the human body and ways to improve our health. There are so many different body types and so many different types of healing. It's amazing.
I hope that you are all doing well! As one season ends, another great one is beginning...I don't only mean the wonderful crisp smell of fall that is present in the mornings, but many of my favorite tv shows will be beginning! Chuck, House, and Bones!
Don't forget that Chuck Season 3 comes out on DVD this week! And the Psych and True Blood season finales are happening this week, too!
Have an excellent week!
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